Alejandro N. Diaz

Alejandro N. Diaz


I am a computational and applied mathematician and the current S. Scott Collis Fellow in Data Science at Sandia National Labs. I recently completed my PhD in the Department of Computational Applied Mathematics and Operations Research (CMOR) (formerly Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAAM)) at Rice University in Houston, TX, and will soon be joining Sandia National Laboratories as the S. Scott Collis Fellow in Data Science. My PhD research was advised by Prof. Matthias Heinkenschloss and focused on integrating neural network-based reduced-order models with domain decomposition. While a graduate student, I was a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellow sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. I also maintain a collaboration with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Here is my CV.

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